How Long Term Care Can Save Your Follicles

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Talk to anyone dealing with an elderly parent, and this is what you will see.  Whether it is making doctor appointments, finding medication lists, scheduling home care providers, or simply making sure they are okay because they haven’t been heard from in a while.

We call these people “The Sandwich Generation”, because they are sandwiched between taking care of their own kids, and taking care of their parents.  The problem is the meat in the sandwich (the health and well-being of the one doing all this caregiving) is getting sliced thinner and thinner.  As a matter of fact, “Caring for The Caregiver” is fast becoming an ever increasing topic in the mental health community.

Many in the “Sandwich Generation” constantly report that they feel like “pulling their hair out” over dealing with Insurance Companies, Home Health Agencies, and governmental bodies, just to get quality care for mom and dad.  It shouldn’t have to be this hard, right?!

One of the benefits of having a Long Term Care insurance plan in place is the comfort of knowing that a Care Coordinator is there, working for you, to ensure everything is run smoothly and without consternation.  This allows your children to go on living their lives, while not having to orchestrate running yours.

They key idea here is “dignity”.  How much dignity would there be, if your child knew everything about you, and had to treat YOU like a child?  So, save your dignity – and your follicles – and let’s talk about putting in place a plan of care for you.

Bob Levine

The Most Unselfish Act

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There are many things you do for your loved ones: you earn a living, you support children in youth sports, you act as caregiver to elderly loved ones, and you are just a phone call away when someone has a flat, and needs a ride.

But, what about when you are NOT there?  What do you do for them then? 

Many of us, when we are starting out, purchase Term Life insurance.  We do so for many reasons.  We have a great responsibility to our small children, to make sure there is money there for college and incidental spending.  We want to ensure that our spouse doesn’t have to take on a full-time, or in some cases, a second job to make the mortgage, utilities, cell phone and car payments.  And the best part of all – Term Insurance is CHEAP!

Then, as life goes on, we feel that, since the kids have moved out, the house is paid off, and our expenses are few, there is no need for any type of Life Insurance.  That is only partially true.

For most people, save those that have substantial estates, the need for Life Insurance dwindles as we get older; however, there is still a need for what is called Final Expense or Funeral Expense Planning.  In fact, Final Expense Planning is the Most Unselfish Act you can perform for your loved ones.

So, what is Final Expense Planning, and why should the average person look into it?  

The loss of a loved one brings with it many hardships.  There is, of course, the loss of that person being in our lives.  There is the stress of trying to remember what needs to be done to provide a proper burial.  There is writing the obituary.  There is finding the Will, and the reading of the will.  There is notifying loved ones, making travel arrangements, coordinating hotel stays, feeding everyone, and let’s not forget the bills of the household – which continue, regardless of who is living or not.

All of these things cost money.  Who’s money is going to be used to pay for all this?  

So as not to place your loved one’s in the uncomfortable position of pooling the money from each other – which causes another level of stress amongst their families – you can plan ahead, and ensure that all this is taken care of beforehand.  A Final Expense Plan takes the aggravation and humiliation out of this terrible situation, and relieves your loved ones of that financial burden.

The best part of all, Final Expense Plans are very affordable.  

If you, or someone you know, don’t have a plan in place for this life-changing event, please give me a call at 404-551-5339, or email me at for your FREE, NO OBLIGATION consultation.